Leader and Speaker in Artificial Intelligence.


AI For All

Thought leader, speaker and advocate for Artificial Intelligence. Co-founder and CEO of LaunchLemonade.app, Director of Scale That Thing in London, United Kingdom.

  • "Very structured in thought, what the problem is, what the work that needs to be done to solve that problem, and then what's the output that we would receive and the outcome, what that basically will allow us to do going forwards based on our goals."

    CEO, N. Perry

  • "Fantastic guidance! Your clear explanations and approachable teaching style made the call enjoyable to learn. I believe more people will love your guidance as much as I did, thanks to your excellent teaching and guidance."

    Founder, S. Balur

  • "She not only provided excellent guidance on the approach but also helped me to create a blueprint for the next steps."

    Founder, F. Galar

  • "After speaking with Cien, I have gone away and automated a lot of my workflows."

    Founder, H. Willis

  • "An opportunity not to be missed."

    Founder, A. Ayim

AI-enablement Services

  • Conducts training and masterclasses for teams to learn how to use AI to scale productivity and business growth.

  • Conducts discovery and helps build AI enablement strategies and development.

  • Talks about how to maximize AI's potential to future proof livelihoods and take a closer look at what it means to be human.

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