Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Ideas Fest

12th and 13th of September

Turing, England

Speaker. To cover how to build an AI business and AI team to scale your business and productivity

AI For The Rest Of Us

24-25th October

London, UK

Speaker. Book your early bird tickets today.

Other upcoming dates - to announce

  • AI conference with UWI

  • British Library Conference

  • 2. Web Summit

  • 3. AI & BIG Data Expo

Previous Events

Previous Events

Coffee Colloquy

26th March, 2024

London Mayor’s House

Speaker. Talked about how AI can empower the masses.

If We Raise Masterclass

26th February, 2024


Masterclass Facilitator, How To Use AI In Your Startup

Angel Investing School, Dream Factory

26th February, 2024


Panel Host. Discussed how to raise investment for your pre-seed/ seed startup.


23rd July

TBD, London

Keynote. To talk about how to use AI to solve some of the world’s biggest problems.

Agency Hackers

11th July

Royal Institution, London

Workshop Facilitator. How To Build a Co-pilot in 30 minutes

Female Founders Rise

18th July


Speaker. To cover how to improve your Marketing with AI

Savvy Babe London

17th of August

Gherkin, London.

Keynote. To talk about “Breaking the Glass Barrier: Achieving Success in Male Dominated Spaces.”

How AI Can Facilitate Growth

9th of August


Speaker. To cover how to use AI to aid business growth.


Cien Solon, CEO and co-founder of LaunchLemonade, effectively communicates complex AI concepts to diverse audiences, making her ideal for conferences, workshops, and corporate events.