Confidence and Narration: Essential Ingredients for Product GrowtH

Have you ever considered how the skill of public speaking can be a secret weapon in your product management and entrepreneurial arsenal? I get a lot of feedback on my confidence, and I truly believe it's been a cornerstone of my journey as a product manager and founder coach.

Let's rewind to the not-so-distant days of primary school. I was the eager beaver who fearlessly (or naively?) embraced public speaking competitions. Picture a little girl cautiously navigating unscripted speeches, gathering nuggets of confidence with each uttered word, every single round.

Fast forward to today, and you'll catch me on stage at spoken word open mic nights. Here, I'm not just speaking — I'm weaving narratives that resonate, engage, and deeply connect with others.

Now how do these line up in the world of Product Growth?

Narrating Your Vision:

When you pitch your product or business, you aren't just selling an idea — you're telling a story. Your product is the protagonist, your audience the supporting cast, and your words provide the compelling narrative. Mastering the art of storytelling can breathe life into your vision, transforming your audience from passive spectators to eager champions.

Inspiring Leadership through Narratives:

Leadership extends beyond delegating tasks. It's about inspiring your team, engaging them, and uniting them under a shared vision. And what's a more potent way to do that than through storytelling? Your confidence and eloquence in public speaking can elevate your narratives, firing up team spirit and productivity.

Now, the million-dollar question — how can you build this skill?

Here's a pragmatic approach:

Embrace the Stage:

Find your platform, be it a local speaking club, a virtual event, or an open mic night. It's a space where you can hone your speaking skills and receive feedback, a proven method to bolster confidence.

Commit to a 'Speech Workout':

Schedule a weekly 'speech workout'. Select a topic, set a timer for 5 minutes, and let your words flow. Recording and playing it back will help identify areas for improvement. Gradually, you'll see yourself evolve.

Engage in Peer Sessions:

Team up with friends or colleagues for regular sessions where everyone gets a chance to present a topic. It's a brilliant way to refine your public speaking skills within a supportive network.

Mastering the craft of storytelling through public speaking can revolutionise your journey in product management or as a founder. As you nurture your confidence, your ability to connect and engage your audience will naturally improve, positively influencing not just your pitches, but your team interactions too.

Always remember, your voice wields power, your words can ignite emotions, and your story—no matter its arc—is worth broadcasting. So, muster your courage—the stage is waiting for you!

Feel free to message me up if you have any queries or if you're seeking more tips on honing your confidence and storytelling skills. Best of luck!


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