The secret to lean product development: people 😗😗

Picture this: You're in the throes of product development, with loads of ideas, knee-deep in strategy, and then it hits you. It's not about the newest tech, not about the marketing strategies. It's about the people who will use your product – your customers.

People Over Personas

Now, it might seem like a "duh" moment. Of course, customers are important, right? But here's the thing: Customers aren't just numbers on a spreadsheet or faceless avatars on a screen. They're people – with likes, dislikes, needs, and frustrations. So, in the grand scheme of product development, it pays to remember that there's no substitute for

  • interviews

  • usability testing

  • surveys

with your target market, users to capture their sentiment on the product you are building.


Think about it like this: Talking to your customers isn't a chore. It's an opportunity to see your product from another perspective. Every conversation can feel like a little detective investigation, where you uncover clues about what they need, what they want, and what makes them tick.

The Golden Nuggets of Insight

These conversations aren't just friendly banter. They're gold mines of insights that can shape your product in ways you never imagined. Think of it like stumbling across a hidden treasure map when you're just going about your day. These insights can lead to breakthroughs, big and small, that propel your product towards success.

Keep the Conversation Going

And this isn't a one-off thing. It's like keeping up with a good friend; you don't just chat once and forget about them, right? Same with your customers. Keeping an ongoing conversation with them is key to understanding their evolving needs and keeping your product on the right track.

In a nutshell, if product development were a movie, talking to your customers would be the star of the show. So, don't shy away from it. It might just be the best thing you do for your product's success.


Power Duo: Product Manager and QA 👫


Driving Product Growth